While bull bars, side rails and rear bars will help keep vulnerable vehicle protection panels free from damage, various vital components underneath your vehicle are also at risk when you drive in challenging off road terrain. Whilst most factory protection is sufficient for protecting your vehicle from stone damage, a more robust solution is required to provide protection from rocks, stumps and ruts encountered in more challenging terrain.
ARB Under Vehicle Protection sets are vehicle-specific and include protection panels directly bolted onto the chassis to provide protection from the ARB bull bar (if fitted) to the transfer case. ARB differential covers are also available for a range of vehicles and have been specifically engineered to protect both the differential and the ring and pinion set from off road hazards.
If you’re looking to increase protection for your vehicle in the great outdoors, check out our range of quality ARB under vehicle protection gear at your nearest store or stockist. We’re your trusted bull bar and protection equipment experts. Visit us today.